The Summer of getting ready for The Change!

Monday, October 23, 2017 / Leave a Comment

The summer of preparing for “The Change” began right away! In early June, my Assistant Principal, Counselor and I spent the first week sorting students into Houses.  This proved to be more challenging that we ever could have imagined!  We first took all of the parent requests for siblings to be in the same House.  As hard as we tried, we did have a few families that we were not able to accommodate due to Special Programs or specialized instruction for one or more of the siblings.  However, overall we met most all of the parent requests.  We had sent a Parent Request Form home with students in May.  The request could be made for all siblings to be in the same House, but parents could not request a specific House color.  We were very excited and happy to notice that most of our Madeley Ranch families did want their children in the same house.  After sorting through those request, we had to look at each student's needs, behaviors, learning modalities, and personalities to match them to the best House, Designer, and classroom.   With the help of our designers input, the entire process took about a week. Of course, throughout the summer the lists in each House were tweaked several times before the final rosters were printed.  A lot of time and thought went into the placement of every Learner.  We wanted the best fit for each one of our kiddos!

Meanwhile, our Maintenance Man was busy moving our designers all over the building.  Before leaving for the summer, our designers had to pack up their entire classroom.  Literally every single designer had to move over the summer.  After mapping out where each House was to be located, we then had to place designers strategically so that they were located next to each other in every House.  Since our building was built in a more traditional elementary campus style, this proved to be a little more challenging than the one we visited in the spring in Coppell ISD.   Lee Elementary was only 3 years old and was designed specifically for this concept.  Before finalizing the map, it changed a half a dozen times if not more!  I was so proud of our designers in the end because they all had such amazing attitudes about having to move to different classrooms.  This required an incredible amount of planning and patience on everyone’s part.  I am so thankful to have such a flexible staff!  Our Maintenance Man, we so lovingly call Mr. Mikey, had his own plan and procedures of how the big move would unfold.  He had a great system in place with a thorough plan and well thought out directions for all designers.  He was able to move everyone by himself in the building within 3 weeks over the summer!  I thought this was pretty incredible!

The next step on our to-do list was to create a new Master Schedule.  Since each House consisted of classrooms of K-5 grades, we had to ensure that our Master Schedule offered the required minutes of instruction necessary for each grade level in each House.  We also had to build in the Specials classes rotations and lunch into each House on the Master Schedule.  This was challenging to say the least!  Thank goodness we have an Instructional Coach who is extremely talented at building Master Schedules, and an amazing P.E. Designer who is also a wiz at putting together Special’s schedules.  Both were time consuming to create.  The Master Schedule was a challenge because we had to incorporate “Team Time” each day.  This was something we had never done before.  “Team Time” was built into the Master Schedule every day to allow grade level planning once every seven days.  The House would plan a minimum of once a week to align curriculum and instruction, but the “Team Time” allowed shared ideas between designers within their own grade level.  Both planning periods for all of our designers would be crucial for this concept to be successful.  The Special’s Schedule for each House had to be designed in such a way that our learners were grouped together age appropriately.  Our largest House had eight classrooms to put into a Special’s rotation adding to the level of difficulty in designing the schedule.  But fortunately, between our Instructional Coach and our P.E. Designer, they created several schedules before finding the one that ended up working the best.  I cannot say it enough when I say that I am a blessed leader to be surrounded by such a talented group of Designers, Coaches and Administrators and Staff!  Each played such a huge roll in ensuring this concept become a success!  Little did we know at the time, but would later realize that the Master Schedule would need to change again after the school year had begun.  Throughout this journey we held tight to a mantra we created, “We will have lots of bumps come across the road to success, but each bump will cause us to learn together, grow stronger and fall forward.” 


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