The Summer of getting ready for The Change!

Monday, October 23, 2017 / Leave a Comment

The summer of preparing for “The Change” began right away! In early June, my Assistant Principal, Counselor and I spent the first week sorting students into Houses.  This proved to be more challenging that we ever could have imagined!  We first took all of the parent requests for siblings to be in the same House.  As hard as we tried, we did have a few families that we were not able to accommodate due to Special Programs or specialized instruction for one or more of the siblings.  However, overall we met most all of the parent requests.  We had sent a Parent Request Form home with students in May.  The request could be made for all siblings to be in the same House, but parents could not request a specific House color.  We were very excited and happy to notice that most of our Madeley Ranch families did want their children in the same house.  After sorting through those request, we had to look at each student's needs, behaviors, learning modalities, and personalities to match them to the best House, Designer, and classroom.   With the help of our designers input, the entire process took about a week. Of course, throughout the summer the lists in each House were tweaked several times before the final rosters were printed.  A lot of time and thought went into the placement of every Learner.  We wanted the best fit for each one of our kiddos!

Meanwhile, our Maintenance Man was busy moving our designers all over the building.  Before leaving for the summer, our designers had to pack up their entire classroom.  Literally every single designer had to move over the summer.  After mapping out where each House was to be located, we then had to place designers strategically so that they were located next to each other in every House.  Since our building was built in a more traditional elementary campus style, this proved to be a little more challenging than the one we visited in the spring in Coppell ISD.   Lee Elementary was only 3 years old and was designed specifically for this concept.  Before finalizing the map, it changed a half a dozen times if not more!  I was so proud of our designers in the end because they all had such amazing attitudes about having to move to different classrooms.  This required an incredible amount of planning and patience on everyone’s part.  I am so thankful to have such a flexible staff!  Our Maintenance Man, we so lovingly call Mr. Mikey, had his own plan and procedures of how the big move would unfold.  He had a great system in place with a thorough plan and well thought out directions for all designers.  He was able to move everyone by himself in the building within 3 weeks over the summer!  I thought this was pretty incredible!

The next step on our to-do list was to create a new Master Schedule.  Since each House consisted of classrooms of K-5 grades, we had to ensure that our Master Schedule offered the required minutes of instruction necessary for each grade level in each House.  We also had to build in the Specials classes rotations and lunch into each House on the Master Schedule.  This was challenging to say the least!  Thank goodness we have an Instructional Coach who is extremely talented at building Master Schedules, and an amazing P.E. Designer who is also a wiz at putting together Special’s schedules.  Both were time consuming to create.  The Master Schedule was a challenge because we had to incorporate “Team Time” each day.  This was something we had never done before.  “Team Time” was built into the Master Schedule every day to allow grade level planning once every seven days.  The House would plan a minimum of once a week to align curriculum and instruction, but the “Team Time” allowed shared ideas between designers within their own grade level.  Both planning periods for all of our designers would be crucial for this concept to be successful.  The Special’s Schedule for each House had to be designed in such a way that our learners were grouped together age appropriately.  Our largest House had eight classrooms to put into a Special’s rotation adding to the level of difficulty in designing the schedule.  But fortunately, between our Instructional Coach and our P.E. Designer, they created several schedules before finding the one that ended up working the best.  I cannot say it enough when I say that I am a blessed leader to be surrounded by such a talented group of Designers, Coaches and Administrators and Staff!  Each played such a huge roll in ensuring this concept become a success!  Little did we know at the time, but would later realize that the Master Schedule would need to change again after the school year had begun.  Throughout this journey we held tight to a mantra we created, “We will have lots of bumps come across the road to success, but each bump will cause us to learn together, grow stronger and fall forward.” 

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FAQ About the House Concept

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FAQ About the House Concept - 2017/2018 MRE School Year

  • What does "House" mean in educational terms?

A "House" consists of classrooms ranging from K-5 grades.  Designated hallways and wings of the building will each contain a "House" of classes from grades K-5.  This format of the way the classes are laid out in the building is different from the traditional way schools have arranged grade levels since moving away from the one house school room.  Each house will be identified using the colors: red, green, blue, yellow, and purple.  The "House" name and concept was developed by Ron Clark, an innovative educator who runs his own Academy in Atlanta, Georgia.  He uses the Harry Potter theme for his houses; we will use a different theme.  Our "Houses" will be identified by colors.  Our houses will be heterogeneously balanced with multi-leveled learners. 

  • Will each "House" have the same schedule throughout the school day?

Yes, each "House" will have the same block of time on their schedule for each academic area as well as lunch, recess, and Specials.  This allows two things to happen to benefit students.  First, it allows "House" teachers to have a common planning time to plan together twice a week and vertically align the curriculum from K-5th grades.  Vertical Alignment planning consists of each teacher in each grade level of the "House"  planning instruction together using their grade level TEKS  (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills – Curriculum).  During the planning, teachers will be collaborating with each other, the Instructional Coach, and Administrators on how they teach each concept and what they need from the grade level below  in order to bridge the gaps in curriculum.  This planning approach will help to narrow the gaps between one grade level to the next.  This type of planning will ensure that purposeful instruction aligned to multi-leveled TEKS is happening on a weekly basis in every "House."  Secondly, since all teachers in the "House" have the same blocks of time scheduled for academics/instruction, students within the "House" will be allowed to fluidly move amongst their "House" for higher level instruction or for remediation.  This approach allows for more individualized instruction for every student.  Since students in every class will travel to different classrooms at different times, no student will stand out or feel different.  Teachers in each "House" will identify themselves as a "House" teacher, not a grade level teacher.  This will alleviate any concerns students may have about spending time in other classes within their "House."

  • How will the "House" Concept work with special programs such as:  G.T., Special Education, 504, and E.S.L.?

All special programs will be served by each "House." Students who are in a special program will be serviced throughout each "House."  So, any accommodations or modifications will be given to every teacher in the "House" to use with the students who are identified under a special program.

  • Will multi-age children be grouped together for Specials and Recess?

No, students will be grouped together with their age appropriate peers.  We have three playgrounds that will be utilized during recess for grades K-1, 2-3, 4-5.  The same type of grouping formula will be used during Special's Time.

  • Will my child get to play and socialize with peers their own age from other classrooms in different "Houses?"

Yes, every 7th day, each grade level will have Special's time together while their grade level teachers plan grade level instruction with their team of teachers – not "House" team.  In education terms, this is the time where grade level teachers will horizontally align the grade level curriculum and plan instruction together.  In addition to the students' normal recess time on the 7th day, students will get an additional 30 minutes of recess time every 7 days at the beginning of Specials.  After 30 minutes of recess, students will go to an enrichment class of their choice with a Special's teacher.  Each enrichment class will last 9 weeks.  At the end of the 9 weeks, students may change their enrichment class choice.

  • Will every teacher in a "House" be certified to teach grades K-5?

Every MRE teacher is highly qualified to teach on the Elementary Level in each "House."  Our Fifth grade teachers are certified to teach up to 6th grade with some having certifications that span all the way to 12th grade.  They know what the expectations are for students to be prepared for 6th grade.  Although 5th graders will not have the advantage of moving up a grade level for higher level instruction, our 5th grade teachers can provide this type of instruction through Enrichment, Curriculum Compacting and Product Based Learning.

  • Will the Curriculum at MRE change?

No, the curriculum will not change.  We will continue to teach using the curriculum the state requires us to use – TEKS.  The acronym TEKS means – Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.  Our school district aligned the TEKS into what we currently use as our scope and sequence – MAC -Montgomery Aligned Curriculum.  The only change that will happen is with the planning of instruction and how it will be delivered. 

  • Will this approach socially benefit my child?

Yes, but in a good way.  Students who experience the benefit of learning in a "House" learn how to socialize with children younger and older.  This prepares them for Jr. High, High School, and the real world.  Younger students look up to the older students and begin to pick up academic/higher level learning vocabulary that they will retain at a younger age.  The older children will be allowed to model and teach the younger ones.  This builds character traits, teaches compassion, patience, and empathy.  It is a well-known fact that the best way to retain a skill is to teach it to someone else.

  • What is the purpose of students staying in the same "House" from Kindergarten through 5th grade?

The "House" concept encourages the development of lifelong relationships with peers and teachers.  Well renown educator Ruby Payne says, "The single most important thing a teacher should do first is build a relationship with every student.  Kids don't want to learn from people they don't like."  "House Teachers" will have a lot of opportunity to get to know all of the students through various activities throughout the day.  They will see students in morning house meetings, lunch time, and while students are moving within the house for higher level instruction and remediation.  It will be the goal of every teacher in the house to get to know all students in the house by name.  Since our students will become very familiar and comfortable with each teacher, transitioning from one year to the next will be easier for our students and our teachers since they will already know each other.  This means our teachers in each house will already know their personalities, learning modalities, interests, strengths, weaknesses, etc.  Teachers won't have to spend the first several months of school learning their students.  Instead, purposeful instruction can begin immediately.

  • Can siblings be together within the same"House."

Yes!  We encourage it.  Parents may request for siblings to be in the same "House." This will be an advantage for parents because it will enable them to go on a field trip with all of their children at one time.  Parents can come up for lunch and eat with all of their children at once.  House parties will make it more convenient for parents to attend all of their children's parties within a reasonable time period.  "House" expectations will be consistent with every child in the "House."

  • Can parents request a change for the next school year if they are unhappy with their child's "House" assignment?

Yes, at the end of the year a parent may request a "House" change if they feel it wasn't a fit for their child.  Parents may not request a specific teacher or "House" color.

  • How will the "House" concept be evaluated for effectiveness?

We will use our academic data throughout the year to measure success of the house concept.  This will be done by using beginning, middle, and end of the year data in Reading, Writing, Math, and Science.  This data will be compared to our data from previous years.  We expect to see some progress by the end of the first year, but as with any new approach, we feel it will take 3-5 years to see big outcomes.  In addition to academic performance as a measurement tool, we will also be monitoring how the approach itself is working with students and staff.  My Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach and I will be involved in the planning at each "House" planning meeting.  Teachers will be able to give us feedback on the operation side with schedules, student transitions, house concerns, etc.  Anything that needs to be tweaked or changed can be discussed during this time.  Teacher feedback is vital for growth.

  • How does E-Tracks/SEM fit into "Houses?"

E-Track/School Wide Enrichment Model is not going away.  We believe that every child should develop their interest and discover their passions.  It is our job to help them uncover their gift.  Instead of grade level E-Track sessions, we will have "House" E-Track Sessions.

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Beginning stages of "House" Implementation

Thursday, October 12, 2017 / Leave a Comment

After a considerable amount of thought and lots of collaborative talks with my Assistant Principal, Counselor, and Instructional Coach, I took a leap of faith and jumped right into the beginning stages of implementing the “House” concept.  The first thing I did to begin this process of transformation was to meet with my Transformational Leadership Committee.  I was not surprised that they all bought into the concept right away!  They saw the value of what the House concept could do for purposeful planning and more individualized instruction for each child.  They were excited and offered to be the first to implement the concept!  I was thrilled and began planning
a “Pilot House” with my Transformational Team.  Then, the word spread around campus, and teachers began asking questions about the House concept.  I noticed there were some that seemed genuinely interested and also wanted the opportunity to try it and be part of a “House.”  Although this was extremely promising to have a number of teachers ready to jump on board, it also made it more difficult because I had enough to “Pilot” one “House,” but not two in these beginning stages.

So then I decided to venture out and include all grade levels in the implementation process.  I wanted feedback on their thoughts of implementing this concept in a “Pilot” program.  I also wanted to get a feel on how many were interested in being part of a “Pilot” to see if I could add another “House.”  The feedback I received was mixed.  Some were immediately excited about the possibilities, and some were somewhat resistant.  Everyone thought the concept made sense and could understand the value of the approach, but some of the upper grade levels were hesitant about going self-contained (teaching all subjects).  Some were just afraid of change and weren’t excited about leaving their teams and working closely with other staff members they didn’t know well.  In the end, I had more teachers that wanted to try it that didn’t.  So, even though I knew that it would not be easy, I made the decision to go school-wide because trying to add two “Pilot Houses” into a rotation schedule for Specials could not be done.  There just wasn’t enough time in the school day to rotate 6 grade levels and 2 Houses through Specials.  It just made sense to bite the bullet and dive in school-wide.  And with the approval of my Superintendent, we did just that!

Then we began rolling out the plan.    I met with my staff to go over the roll out plan and what it would look like here at Madeley Ranch Elementary.  I immediately got in touch with the Principal at Lee Elementary to schedule a day for my staff to tour her school.  I felt it was important for them to see this concept in action!  In April, I sent 21 of my Teachers along with my Assistant Principal and Counselor to tour Lee.  They came back just as excited and in awe as the three of us were in January!  Buy-in had definitely started to set in on my campus!

In the month of May, we held three Parent Information Sessions about the “House” concept.  I set it up in a town hall format where I explained what the “House” concept was all about, why we were going to implement it, and how we would implement it on our campus.  Then I gave time for parents to ask questions.  I had a panel of teachers who volunteered to speak and answer questions.  The panel of teachers did a phenomenal job of explaining the concept and answering questions.  You could see the passion resonate from each one as they spoke about the benefits the concept allows for teachers and for students.  Most parents were receptive to the idea.  Some were very excited!  And, there were some that were not on board.  Change is difficult, and I could see that our journey would have some ups and downs along the way.  I knew this journey would not be easy, but one worth taking the risk.  In my heart, I knew this was what was best for kids.

After the meetings, I put together a FAQ about the “House” concept to send home with students.  I also placed it on our website.  We wanted to be as transparent as possible.  We felt it was vital for parents to read the FAQ and feel free to ask questions through emails, parent conferences, and phone conferences.  It was also important for our parents who were not able to come to an information session to have literature on the “House” concept.  There was also some inaccurate information and misconceptions floating around the community regarding this concept that needed to be put to rest.  We wanted only the facts to be disseminated. 

In June, a group of teachers, administrators and I presented the “House” concept to our School Board.  They were impressed with the benefits of the concept and what it could do academically for our students.  They were also very fond of the relationship piece that “House” lends to the approach.  We were excited and ready to get started!  We were ready to embrace the long hours we knew we had ahead of us to plan, write new schedules, revise procedures, tweak curriculum alignment, move classrooms and place students into Houses.  We had a lot of work in
store to make this a success!

The summer was spent planning to be the “Change!”  Our staff was busy making plans to go “Above the Line” for our students!    
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Message from Research Partner: American College of Education

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 / Leave a Comment

Message from Research Partner: American College of Education

Dear MRE Parents:

Embracing change requires a different kind of courage, and it’s rare to find a community seeking innovation.  As individuals, we tend to be more comfortable with the familiar.  Yet, technology is driving change, not only in the way we communicate, but in the way we think.  Just ask a grandparent about the challenges of learning a new app!

We know schools will need to change for the next generation of learners.   Technology is literally and physically changing the way the brain is wired.  Approaches which worked for students fifty years ago will not be effective for 21st century learners.  Creating ways to build stronger, more enduring relationships is important.  Exploring the quality of information is vital.  Giving our students the tools to be critical thinkers in a world flooded with knowledge is essential.  The teachers, now designers, at MRE have taken up the challenge to be innovators and our team from American College of Education (ACE) is excited to be part of the journey.

ACE is a regionally accredited college created by teachers and administrators who understand the needs of the education field.  We offer graduate programs, including a doctorate in leadership, but our main focus is on schools and ways to support the needs of students.  I serve as the assistant provost, a position focused on curriculum and ways to enhance learning.  I come from a K-12 background, holding a Texas teaching certification and was once licensed as a Texas Reading Specialist and Master Reading Teacher.  Now, I leverage my forty years of experience to offer ideas to support innovation in learning to our public schools primarily through our College.

My colleague at ACE happens to be a parent whose child attends Madeley Ranch Elementary. She is also an educator with a passion for alternative schooling models. She immediately recognized the unique value of adopting the house concept and shared her excitement with me.  Multiple discussions later brought us to MRE with hope of developing a partnership for the purpose of gathering insights from faculty and parents through research in order to share how the house concept influences teaching and learning.

In the months to come, you will be seeing our logo and opportunities to provide us with input, relate your perspectives, and offer us insights.  We know other schools are seeking effective possibilities to educate 21st century learners with the unique tools they will need to succeed in our ever-changing society; MRE and the house concept provides one.


Lee Tincher, PhD
Assistant Provost, Curriculum Development
American College of Education

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